Eritrean American Community Greater Sacramento (EACGS)

EACGS bylaws


We, Eritreans and Eritrean Americans living in the Greater Sacramento Area recognize the importance of getting organized in the sense of a community to preserve our culture and tradition and deal with our everyday life challenges in the USA. As a result, we decided to establish an Eritrean American community by enacting the following bylaw articles as our governing rules and regulations.

Article 1: Name and Location

1.1 Name

The organization's name shall be Eritrean American Community Greater Sacramento (EACGS). The name can only be changed by amending these bylaws.

1.2 Location

The organization’s principal office shall be located in the Greater Sacramento area counties of Sacramento, Placer, El Dorado, Sutter, Yolo, or Yuba, California. The majority vote of the Board of Directors has the authority to change the organization's address from one location to another within the Greater Sacramento counties without making amendments to these bylaws. However, the Board of Directors shall provide a 30-day prior notice to the community members and ensure a proper inventory of assets is performed.

Article 2: Mission and Purpose

2.1 Mission

The Eritrean and Eritrean American Community Greater Sacramento is a non-political, non-religious, and non-sectarian community that works for the EACGS members' well-being.

2.2 Purpose

EACGS is a non-profit organization formed to foster collaboration, support, and quality of life of Eritrean and Eritrean Americans in the greater Sacramento area by:

a. Establishing a center to gather and perform various social and cultural programs and activities fosters lifelong quality relationships.

b. Assisting newly arrived Eritreans in adapting to the American multicultural system, Providing services such as citizenship and legal help, English language training, employment counseling, social adjustment services, cultural preservation and information, referral services, and addressing the unique cultural needs of Eritreans.

c. Introducing the culture to Eritreans born in America and bridging the gap with adults born in Eritrea. Provide Eritrean language lessons to our children.

d. Introducing programs aimed at skill development.

e. Providing education and employment information.

f. Assisting members with family guidance and counseling.

Article 3: Organization

The organization shall have a five-member and two standby substitute Board of Directors serving per EACGS bylaws. The number may be changed by amendment of this bylaw.

3.1 Board of Directors Officers

The Board of Directors of EACGS consists of the President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations, and Internal Auditor. The Board of Directors officer shall be:

a. Eritrean American and an active member of EACGS and elected by a majority vote when a quorum is present according to EACGS bylaw

b. A motivated individual who has shown greater interest and commitment in serving EACGS voluntarily.

c. A person with no conflict of interest with the duties as an elected member of the Board of Directors.

3.2 Board of Directors’ Duties and Responsibilities

The board of directors plans programs and projects consistent with the EACGS mission, purpose, and priorities.

a. The Board of Directors meets every month on the first Saturday, 6-8 pm, online or in person at the EACGS office.

b. Plan annual programs and events and publish the schedule in the community calendar.

c. Write meeting minutes and reports and communicate them with EACGS members.

d. The Board of Directors can create subcommittees and nominate community members to carry out programs, projects, and activities.

e. Make changes to bylaws following member votes for amendment of bylaws.

f. Recruit and motivate new members.

g. Identify problems within the EACGS and seek solutions

h. Locate resources that benefit the EACGS

3.2.1 President

Acts as the representative of the EACGS and the leader of the EACGS of the term. Provides the necessary commitment and quality leadership to ensure the Board of Directors functions effectively and efficiently to achieve the planned programs and activities. Chairs meetings. Calls for emergency meetings. Formulates strategies and directions for recruiting and motivating new members and expanding the community. Reports the to community members every three months.

3.2.2 Secretary

Undertakes the EACGS bookkeeping. Keeps minutes of meetings and compiles reports of conferences. The Secretary undertakes the EACGS 's correspondence with the Board of Directors. Finally, the Secretary works with Public Relations to search for community support grants and submit applications.

3.2.3 Treasurer

The Treasurer has charge and custody of and is responsible for all funds and securities of the community. The Treasurer manages the EACGS 's property and funds, keeps financial documents, deposits funds in the bank on behalf of the community, handles and registers community revenues and expenditures, and coordinates the routine activities of the Finance. In addition, the Treasurer files Federal and State taxes and plays a role in fundraising activities. The Treasurer presents financial reports during the monthly Board of Directors meeting and every three months to the community.

3.2.4 Public Relations

The Public Relations officer undertakes EACGS’s public relations tasks and activities and recruits and motivates new members.

Engages in fundraising activities, actively searches for grants, works with the Secretary to submit and manage grant applications, manages routine social activities, and manages sport-related activities.

3.2.5 Internal Auditor

The Internal Auditor audits EACGS funds and books. Performs audit every six months and, as necessary, reports to the Board of Directors and the community during the annual community conference. Works with the Secretary and Public Relations with fundraising activities submitting and managing grant applications.

3.3 Compensation

The Board of Directors members shall serve without compensation.

3.3.1 Reimbursement

a. A Small reimbursement for community business-related travels and meetings may be made when receipts are present and the President and Treasurer approve.

b. If reimbursements for a committee-approved business exceed $200.00, the President, Treasurer, and Internal Auditor shall approve the compensation up to $1000. Any amount exceeding $1000 must be pre-approved by the Board of Directors.

3.4 Term of office

a. The Board of Directors shall serve for two years, and members may be reelected for another term but shall not serve more than two terms (consecutively).

b. The Board of Directors shall serve until their successors are elected. The Board of Directors also supports newly elected members for the first three months.

c. If a member of the Board of Directors cannot complete the term, the first standby elected substitute will continue to serve the role arranged by the remaining Four Board of Directors.

3.5 The Board of Directors meetings

a. The Board of Directors conducts regularly scheduled meetings to discuss the agenda.

b. Three-fifths (3/5) of the Board of Directors members shall constitute a quorum for a business transaction at regular meetings. Any decision made in such discussions with a quorum shall be accepted as the community decision.

c. A regular meeting can be postponed for any appointed day by a majority vote of the committee members.

d. In the absence of the President, the secretary shall perform the chairperson's duties.

e. Meeting minutes shall be written, filed, and sent to community members.

3.6 Removal

A member of the Board of Directors may be removed if:

a. Found to have a conflict of interest

b. He/She works deliberately against the mission and purpose of the community.

c. A petition is signed by a majority of the community members or by a majority vote when a voting quorum is present

d. Absent from 1/3 of the meetings without a valid excuse.

e. He/She ignores all warnings and disciplinary measures.

3.7 Dissolution of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall be dissolved for any reason, including mismanagement after investigation, deliberation, and a majority vote (50+1) of the community qualifies for the dissolution of the Board of Directors, provided new members are elected.

Article 4 Membership

Community membership is open to Eritreans and Eritrean-Americans residing in the Greater Sacramento Area Counties.

4.1. Becoming a member

a. Complete the EACGS membership registration form and a monthly membership of $20 a month payable annually. Membership is per household, and the membership card is valid for a year. One renewal notification will be sent to members within 30 days of the membership expiration date.

b. Make financial contributions as described in the 4.2 member benefits and rights section.

c. Demonstrate commitment to the success of the community mission and purpose by assisting voluntarily in the community programs, activities, and events and attending a minimum of 50% of the meetings and gatherings.

d. Abide by all decisions of The Greater Sacramento Eritrean Community (EACGS) rules and regulations.

4.2 Membership Benefits and Rights

Members can vote, elected Board of Directors members, and participate in meetings. Membership benefits include:

a. Access to the community center

b. Access to programs sponsored by the community

c. Access to professional advice (i.e., lawyer, realtor, etc.)

d. Gain the opportunity to meet, establish relationships, and network with people in the Eritrean and Eritrean American community

e. In the event of death in the member's family, the Board of Directors announces and coordinates fundraising from individual voluntary funeral cost contributions

4.3 Youth Membership

Youth outreach and development shall be one of the community's programs. It shall have its sub-committee that implements programs consistent with the organization's goals and mission.

Article 5 Meetings and Quorum

5.1 All member meetings

a. An all-member social or business gathering is conducted as scheduled by the board of directors.

b. The board of directors may arrange special events to commemorate traditional holidays.

c. Meeting procedures shall be discussed among the Board of Directors and described by the President during the event at the beginning of special events.

5.2 Quorum

a. A voting quorum constitutes 50% + 1 of members of the organization

b. Major decisions are made by a majority vote when a quorum is present.

5.3 Major decisions

a. Major decisions are those classified outside the mandate of the Board of Directors.

b. Members shall be notified of an agenda for a vote on a major decision before the meeting.

Article 6 Dissolution of the Community

If there is an intention of disbanding the community OR replacing it with another organization with a different mission, a 75% vote of the active members qualifies for dissolution. The community assets shall be transferred to a charity.

Article 7 Budget, Assets & Fundraising

7.1 Assets

a. All community assets shall remain property of the organization.

b. Any transfer of assets to a third party requires member votes according to bylaws 5.2&5.3. The Board of Directors can make small changes such as replacing office furniture without needing a member vote.

7.2 Fundraising

The organization can make fundraising efforts for the sole purpose of the organization's goals. However, as a non-profit in the 50l(c) (3) category, monetary funds can NOT be transferred to any fund supporting political parties inside or outside the USA.

7.3 Budget and Financial Issues

a. The organization's financial resources may include member fees & contributions, fundraising efforts, and grants.

b. Some or all the development programs launched by the organization may receive financial support depending on the availability of funds.

7.4 Financial Audit

The Board of Directors shall disclose the bi-annual financial status report of the organization to the elected internal Auditors and members at any time. Regular financial transactions shall operate within the board of directors’ budget.

Article 8 Amendment of Bylaws

These bylaws may be amended by a 50% + 1 majority vote when a quorum is present. The Board of Directors shall make the changes and notify members when the new amendments occur.

The following EACGS bylaws revision team has reviewed the original bylaws by meeting every week for six weeks, discussed, deliberated, and approved this EACGS bylaws version 2022-07-09.

 Copyright eacgs.orgs.

Eritrean American Community Greater Sacramento is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. California

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